Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Life in Kentucky

Elder Harold's first area! Liberty Kentucky!

He looks a little lost, wouldn't ya say?

This is the church in Liberty Kentucky. Its actually an old Auto Parts Shop. Elder Harold wrote "Our church, well actually its an old auto parts shop. It doesn't even look like a church. But its where we park and walk from everyday. Its also where we eat lunch and dinner. Members willl sometimes leave food in the fridge for us, so its really nice! We usually just eat a sandwich and sit for an hour talking then go back out to work again."

Elder Harold's first companion in the field. Elder Everette from Springville Utah.

This trailor was Elder Harold's home for about 5 months. It has a sudy room, a small bathroom, a living room connected to a kitchen, another bathroom with a shower, and then a bedroom with two beds! Elder Harold's says "Its not much, but its a home! We have fun here though, singin, dancin, exercizin, studyin, and playin!"

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